Sunday 10 8:45
Did not you say that today would go to the Cultural Center to see The Pyramid Where is it? Ja. Today as always: sicierto, I spent . Then I woke up quickly because in this cultural center'll do a test to apply to college. And last thing I want is the very day out with my joke of "I lost" or "oh, sorry ... I was late. " 9:15
should find a way to go ... just wondering if you walk you will miss . Ja. Today as always, will look at google maps . Then I turned on the computer and searched. Google maps told me how to get there by car, but what you do, or know how to ride and not going to take me by car. So better I looked for how to go underground.
11:48 Well, it gave the place and do not take long ... As you see when you do things in advance and plans go well? Ja. Today as always: "here is the cultural center? "Here I do the test? no manches, I imagined something else, something more here . I think I was wrong. Although seeing it objectively, it is not so bad. I say, there is no noise benches and all is well. 12:04
You know where that is, how to get and where to go, and Go back, you may have to do something and not remember . Ja. Today as always: nah ... I have never nothing to do, but it's okay, I return to my home . Said and done, I went in the end I knew well how to get there.
14:26 Hey, if you study for the mentioned test? you're at home and you have nothing to do . Ja. Today as always: is fine, but before eating meals and check a few things in the compu . I did it quickly and the pair just because I wanted to study. That p. Review brings me to the ground. 20:58
Already tired and have long since does not process the information ... I give you that chance pachequees awhile. Ja. Today as always: is well, I insist . Then I started to waste time with the journal: check mail, twitter, facebook , Universal and The New York Times. 22:12
Trin! Mensa, tomorrow you go to school Do you already have things ready? Ja. Today as always: not crossed my complete . Then I tried to compensate for my irresponsibility doing everything must be done in advance to return to school: print the schedule, look for a backpack, badge, notebooks, pens, clothing, breakfast ...
23: 21 Do you think your body does not need rest or what? How do you intend to sleep at 12 and wake up at 4 in the morning? Ja. Today as always: not worry, mind, I'll be fine ... morning I sleep early. Then I made my last twit of the day, I turned off the computer and went to sleep.
Monday 11 4:30
It's time you wake up after a while you will be late . Ja. Today as always: 5 little minutes more, so the multi is so great that every 9 minutes resumes. For some strange reason my multi did not ring. I fell asleep. 5:14
the hell! I said that I was going to be late ... Damn, get zopetón, you are going to go the truck . Ja. Today as always: Shut! Sicierto, I'm, I'm . Then I dressed very fast and who knows how, but by 5:30 he was in the truck stop and had breakfast and everything. 6:11
You go to class until 7:00, but it is great that you're on time, preferably right? Ja. Today as always I'm early because transportation compels me. The truth is that since I came to live here, near Mexico City, I have become well-untimely ... I did not. For some say that people change.
You had about 1 hour to gossip about the holidays, now please concentrate . Ja. Today as always I'm up in the front pews to pay attention as God intended, but does not work . It is true that the first classes are relaxing, but as I want to be a better student now enters college, I try it now. 12:04
is good that you did not go to train, those 2 hours you spend in the mented study for the exam ... Now comes the class that they both expected. Ja. Today as always: =) this class is one of the few that I like, then I will let him win . So I put all my attention and pointed every word the teacher said. She's great. He studied at the UNAM, has a master's degree, a Ph.D., doing research and the other day gave me a book that she herself did. I loved it. If you ask married man. Too bad! 16:56
I got out of school, would be good for you to put yourself to do homework and then if you want, is studying for the mentioned test. Ja. Today as always: ujule! I have to do other things. With other things I meant to get me some pictures for the day of the test and buy coffee, for example. It's true: if there is someone irresponsible in this world, that's me. 17:34
Do not you? I remember you have to study and fucks crazy because you say "wow, you walk very well to the test" because no . Ja. Today as always: do you think, mind! lets do the homework first. Then I started to do the job. Ah, but yes! Before that I made myself a coffee to see if I had done a good deal or not. 21:05
're pathetic and irresponsible, you know ... but X, has passed, now studying! Ja. Today as always: dear mind, can I have a chance to make a post? soon, I promise okay? ... My mind said no but I do not care. And here's the result: not so soon or so post.
Sometimes I think, in fact, am the most irresponsible person (and pathetic) ... Although all the holidays I spent studying (and sappy) , I'm not prepared enough (and insecure) . Do not suck! is the test that will determine my future. I do not consider any error (and perfectionist) . Sometimes I think we should relax, but just do a practice test to see my ridiculous results and say "you're like any, take win"
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