Monday, March 29, 2010

Ceremony Program Thank You Message

thinning or pawning is no coincidence that the pizzas arrive late

Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: let all ( or at least I read) it is no coincidence that the pizzas come home late ...

is not because those make are slow ...
Nor is because the dealer is stupid enough not to place your address ...
And much less because it is cool and want us to go free ...

is simply because, before submitting the order, passed a lie tamales, just look :


but does not justify them understand: these tamales are the most delicious in the region and are a thousand times more good than the pizzas that deliver chilled ...

Oh, those distributors so whimsical!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Example Of Welcome Note For Wedding

physical appearance and fashion

Entered the store, saw the short they desired, and asked what happened to the tester. But it turned out he had no ... "Frustrating, no? For just happens sometimes. It is not always the fault of the store that does not have sufficient size or maquiladoras that make girl clothes. No. It's because of the stereotypes that have been created, new fashions and us, follow them.

As is well known, stereotypes related to physical appearance are changing. It is not the same men they looked 300 years ago than today. Although, of course, sometimes even at the same time there are variations among individuals: some are very thin or robust or medium plump. However and in spite of the contrasts, always be an idealization, a model .

For example, more than 2.000 years * 1 , the Greeks had a peculiar appearance : men were very strong and are easily noticed muscle (but neither were as grotesque as bodybuilders) . While women are not marked muscle and had a little more body fat (but not obese) :
father was because they were healthy, strong and her clothes were baggy
but not sloppy. In short, they were at ease and at a midpoint

Changing context, during the Viceroyalty (S. XVI) , the standard of the appearance of people was very different. At this time, the model embarneció for both men and women. Obviously, the dress was tailored to their needs and clothing was elegant yet comprehensive:

it be that applied to "a full belly, happy heart?

was in the twentieth century, with Pop-Art, that physical appearance of people had a remarkable change compared with earlier times. In this period the female figure, with Marilyn Monroe as its chief representative, is much more stylized but without extreme thinness: was more important to be "sexy" to be thin . While men were no longer obese, but were strong and manly.
Hence the famous "curve of happiness"

fashion, becoming more stylized look has turned into something completely utopian and even dangerous health. While not everyone is as fashion dictates, now the stereotype is linked to extreme thinness mainly for women, while men must be thin (though not as much as women) and muscular the time.

This tendecia is unnecessary and will only be based on increasingly thin. So much so that new sizes have been set zero and double zero, there are also models who are under 40 kilos, and the worst is that many people are struggling to look like them.
It's unhealthy a person has a body mass index of 16.3
being than normal is 20 to 25.

there are many, but only one identity. People should be revalued and that before becoming part of a trend, they should see their health and themselves. It is true that dress and look a certain way cause pleasure, but you have to know how far you can reach without damaging health and wellness of people.

stereotypes actual physical appearance are banality. Physical appearance is momentary : sooner or later we will grow old and no better way to do that in a healthy way, being good about ourselves, not an image that deteriorates .

* 1: 1100 a. C. -146 A. C

Friday, March 26, 2010

Watch South Park Subtitles

I also had heart!

I plead guilty of being the typical girl who is stronger than an oak, which can stand up to more than 200 people and harangue you think, which is able to tell your mother that you are wrong the judge, who says his family get their opinion but the guys look bad, that you do not shut up because they have to, that it is advisable to leave the guy cheating, I, where you would be protected from all evil, a teenager demanding that all the boys looked defects, a rare college, I knew everything and that nothing was practicing a deadly first experience I thought I would cure pains of love.

Do you think that the mouth being punished? Many times we have said do not say that, do not say never, and I would have repeated many times, always claiming that a man does not cry, that relationship does not stop the world, that of anxiety to love is relative, this girl has something revolutionary and crazy no one could dominate ...

In my recess time bloggiano, I realized that it is not, that I could feel the anxiety, if you know I fell in love, I only know I found peace in the eyes other than my father, I only know I found strength in the different arms of my best friend, just know that I found happiness in a smile that is not my brother , and if gentlemen that for me it was love ..

Contigo had a perpetual happiness paradox reflected in a momentary, I was happy with your kisses, your support, your bad boy smile, I was happy with what little gave me and I gave you so much .. I do not regret never having learned that are never or relative, life is constantly changing they do not know what happens in the future, our reactions may be remembered today as one big stupid morning, we thought it wrong for girls, now just be bread every day, is that we grow every day, every new experience we away from the prejudices and barriers, each new experience changes our limits ..

Never, never! better .. a: no or maybe!

If you fall, get up If you wipe the tears you cry .. the world does not stop for nothing .. or anyone ..

At this time I learned to cocachos that I too I have a heart!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Piper Aztec Service Manual

I'M BACK! Back

I rewritten by passion, sadness or love ... has to give a smile and read his post to smile ..

Monday, March 1, 2010

What Is The Healthiest Dried Fruit

wish I had 5 minutes to intellectual clarity to some texts that be remembered at all times. Lines instead of gaining money for them, put me in the cultural elite alongside such greats as Joyce and Borges.

wish I had 5 minutes of grace to my mind spit genius. Yes, just as the great athletes who, although they have not read much, suddenly take every sentence to make you want to stand.

I wish I had 5 minutes of maturity to realize that turning 18 is not only good to have the IFE and be legal alcohol. Tantita Quisera maturity to choose what I want to convert ...

But while few desería (or anyone) have those 5 minutes of mental ability because if anyone could do it, the world would be stuck intellectuals and well know nothing. ..