Monday, March 1, 2010

What Is The Healthiest Dried Fruit

wish I had 5 minutes to intellectual clarity to some texts that be remembered at all times. Lines instead of gaining money for them, put me in the cultural elite alongside such greats as Joyce and Borges.

wish I had 5 minutes of grace to my mind spit genius. Yes, just as the great athletes who, although they have not read much, suddenly take every sentence to make you want to stand.

I wish I had 5 minutes of maturity to realize that turning 18 is not only good to have the IFE and be legal alcohol. Tantita Quisera maturity to choose what I want to convert ...

But while few deserĂ­a (or anyone) have those 5 minutes of mental ability because if anyone could do it, the world would be stuck intellectuals and well know nothing. ..


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