was not the first time I fell in love with an object. In fact, I'm so materialistic that idealized soil novel and multifunctional gadgets. However, this was the first time my femininity surfaced and I had alienated a dress night. Of course, like all first time, the dress was not my best: I had of what was beautiful as expensive and small ... That day walking
making me mensa a while in a certain local fame Outlet here north of Mexico City. Suddenly I remembered that in a few months would be my graduation and I looked for a dress ad hoc multi the ceremony and celebrations. Come on, so my quest was to discover shops I have ever seen, and that I am frequent visitor
Anyway, the point is that in seeking I found a store that had the most beautiful and elegant dresses . Each and every one of them were great, but I chose was on top, was very nearly another level ... To understand me: is like a geek take over 1 month lost in the desert, without communication, and suddenly iPad is a wifi: lottery! . That's what I felt (well, not so much joy, but something) .
I did not think I ran the tester and I measured them. "Oh yes, it's a beauty, look, look, how good it looks! Better than you wanted ... "I did not even check the price and I was ready to buy. But surprise surprise, the dress was not meant for me and go ahead fat: the closure is not closed to me.
"Miss, can you bring the height to next?" I said the seller but he said that there was more sizes. RICE I begged him something, to call other stores or so, but it was not applied this alternative Outlet.
So the only option left was the least reliable: thin to fit into the dress. It would have been slim take it and then (though no one assured me that it would achieve) . But oh surprise # 2: the dress was well expensive and click if you wanted to buy would have to pawn my favorite gadgets . That's when I thought "how about not losing weight? and my bent ". So all crestfallen I left the store ready to lose weight and perhaps with luck, find the same dress a few kilos then.
After 2 months I returned to the outlet but without the same hope. I went to the store to see if the dress was still there. I was very lucky, it was. I went to the tester and put it on. And oh surprise # 3: Now I was up close. By the grace of the Holy Spirit grew dress or perhaps a fatter tried it and made it bigger ... I do not know, but I had and perfect. I was in the mirror and ego grew exponentially. That I understand, the feeling compared with that of a frustrated programmer who has 10 months making it impossible for a code just does not fit, then one day you want to send all to hell but makes a last attempt and voilĂ : everything is fixed and the program is ready.
I was! I trained to pay for even that, as I dress cost only 1 / 3 price that time. "Seriously God loves me" what I thought while waiting in line. All persons entering the store I assumed the dress "is pretty good, right? And nothing costs $ 990.00! ". Then the cashier asked me to tell me my data when more deals and so on. Obviously I gave it gladly.
- Miss, I charge ... sh-sh are nine hundred and ninety dollars, please - said in a low and very fast yet.
- Pardon?
- Yes, nine hundred and ninety-sh sh
- How?
In the mother! That nothing the rise $ 2,000 to your favorite gadget, or in this case the dress , when paying is too or or or . And because my wretched economy does not deal.
did not know what to do. "I'll buy, I buy it?" Was the big question (or 2.000 pesos, rather). "Am I indebted or stand? "Pawn my gadgets or simply decline?"
"*? "*? "*? "*? "*?
Ja, to mere hours my femininity was found to be very weak: I bought the dress . He need not be mine, or thinning, or pawning, or crying, or selling my soul, or running in circles: NO, that dress was not for me. So I left the store empty handed and my only consolation was "with a little more to walk me reaching for the iPad"
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