2nd anniversary
Many times I have declared war on time, and I was not alone. Sometimes we would like the minutes to pass slower, others go faster , or after a moment we want eternal return. But however much we try, the clock is ticking and we can only use it.
ever heard that just when people have children, they begin to realize (And seriously) that time passes. But what they do, in addition to mirror the everyday scrubs, there are other things that make you say "do not suck! and I have X time with this, dude ", and one of them are blogs.
Just today, I'm Mexican confidence-your blog- meets another year (and 2) . Nor do I believe it to 100, but not reject the idea.
This was not the best year because I gave him free rein to my inconstancy. No excuses or justifications put silly. Just want to thank those who read me, to who comments (whether read or not) and supporters.
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