Friday, May 29, 2009

Ap Biology Lab 5 Carolina

I am the magnificent

like today how many times I've asked my faults? however, contradictorily How many times have I questioned those who want to be perfect? is that today I realized that I am, which gives a smile, which sometimes can not sleep for sadness, screaming arguments, which shut her feelings, which can be very charming to be addressed, but too shy to act, which takes the first step in the fight and the last in love, as contradictory as consistent, and is now being in the eye of the storm all only see my faults and I started to believe that was all they had to offer, I am the whore and the virgin, I am a lady in a different context, not for fighting men allegedly issues left to be, I am happy and outrageous is that the euphoria will not let me even a second, I'm not silent reproach, perhaps the bit cautious but very thoughtful and I'm not trying to be perfect or, that he fell in love and that maybe no one did it, I'm impertubable but fragile, my family, my biggest concern, my greatest joy, my friends, my strength and my weakness, I have the evil within I can destroy me who try to do me, you can be the kindest good, I can forgive and to forget, but today it hurts to be judged because I did not like to judge, my intentions are not winning, I came to fight born to do .. losing is not a possibility, because although the jars do not give us the victory our cause does not end, I will not go back because I'm outrageous and I am great .. if you believe or not .. I do not care ...

Because I am the first and last,

I am the venerated and the despised,

I am the prostitute and the saint,

I am the wife and the virgin,

I am the mother and daughter

I am the arms of my mother,

I am barren and my children are many,

well I am married and unmarried,

I'm the one who gives birth and she who never procreated,

I am the solace of labor pains

I am the mother of my father

am the sister of my husband,

and he is my rejected son.

Respetádme always

because I am the outrageous and wonderful.

Hymn to Isis discovered third century or IV (in Nag Hammadi)


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