Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bankers Life & Casualty Co Scam

Chronicle of a farewell .. Effects

- Love ...

- Do not tell me so ...

- And us ...

- Do not mention it, there is ours ..

- So what are you doing here? "Again I dreaming?

- I came to say goodbye ..

- So ask you something:

Go not hurt me, do not look at me .. I'm burning, I do not kiss they faint, no hugs me chained me, I squeeze on you to I still feel .., no ... no ... a thousand times no ... silence do not cry .. my pores

you doing here if I want, if I feel, if I am not enough, if you are not me forever ... go !!!!!!!!!!.. I need not explain .. ratings-winning let my mind the reasons, lets get my senses, when you were guiding me nor was there ..

They accept you so maybe .. I love you only just mine .. mine ..

I was yours only yours .. as beginning and end .. without, meanwhile, .. not yet .. without replacement or substitute .. What more do you want from me? If you stole my reason, my fingerprints and my passion, forgetting gave me pain, a lot of pain .. gave me a corner, a meeting, a wish .. a constant state of anxiety addicted to your advice , Your hugs, your words, no quirks, no lies .. nothing binds us today: I can only let you go .. because you never wanted to be ...

- do not understand, just came to say goodbye .. take care my girl, take care while back ..

- Return? There is no coming back .. free stay stay there ... no love without truth and you are lying ...

- Mentira poison you, which will sweeten , Encaramela you ..

- Do not ever get close ... ! Away from me! , do not do this, do not smile .. do not close your eyes .. do not touch my lips and not yours .. please I beg you not look at me ...

Your hands roam my arms slowly slowly ... your fingers seal my lips, your eyes mesmerize mine ... shit .. do not take me so .. suddenly with such overwhelming force .. do not abuse .. I submit again .. you're here .. squeezing against the wall .. kissing as the first, second, third .. the last time ... This makes me feel fro .. makes you grow .. that excite me, your secret is not playing, but do you want to touch me .. my lap .. not a belt, no padlock .. do not try to navigate the lake .. God is not there !!!.. not happened and will not ... But do not let me touch ...

I turned and now you are what you thought Crossroads had not taught me.? .. if a kiss right there .. if ... on your neck .. feel me? this is my hand, slowly calming down or waking up to the rack of our careers ... if you love your eyes for more. more ... ask me more .. but you know ....?

I give one last kiss ... this is not going ... Because now I'm the one you will ...

And this look did not wake, do not I, not I have you, or you'll

Your child.
MUSIC: Ojala (Silvio Rodriguez) I hope you finished the constant gaze, the precise word, a smile perfecta.Ojalá you delete something happens suddenly .. (8)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Pregnant

To forget ..!!!!

Sideways these girls remember their moments of love, others their bitter stories, broken families, their frustrated dreams .. started with a drink after many tend only to mourn the silence is broken and appear to scholars in conversation ..

Many of us say that there are people who after a few drinks are transformed, they lose their shyness, dancing without knowing it, speak up to say enough is enough, some are wet canoe, others become Amigans, some of the sexy but no doubt almost everyone comes out this strange feeling that is the last time to be who they want to be ...

The talkative: that shy girl who never has more than necessary, it starts to loosen the tongue, your friend started telling you: but you have to be consistent, maybe there was a confusion to switch to say: is a desgraciadoooo! turn you out, twinkie saw him last week, I did not tell you because I corresponded .. ..!!!, bury others come to say we're relatively well, with fights like any other couple, to say: I no longer called the same, we do not love, he forgot to give me details and is not mismoooo!

Singer: of these friends I have several, myself included, after feeling that alcohol has come into his blood, they begin to request certain songs: rat on two legs, men are a waste, dog back (but returned), words, I ask .. ojala silvio the request love: my private property, the creek , Etc ...

The inn: No doubt that your blood alcohol is red and white, you ask the ice and gives you an arm .. , My friends and I do not take too much in meetings that are not among us, so these are scarce ...

The forgetful: Almost all have been through this: hey clau! I did yesterday? I told truth I like wrestling? , Best known effects: it removes the anxiety, guilt extinguished, forget it .., can not remember how you came to your house or you danced on stage with group 5 ..

La Polla: advice when you feel your head spinning or no longer want to take .. stop it ..!!! I do not want to see you crying, saying I quierooo you're my sister ... or saying, my pants are wet chela Did you miss me ?!!!!

We also have to consider several factors: the concentration of alcohol (not the same drink a rum chela a) the presence of food in the stomach, the individual's weight (less weight means more absorption: either there to chubby), women are more sensitive) and habituation (if you're hostel or cock jojo)

Side effects: I'm in love with whom? ; Call many times to my ex? , Ptm kissed to that bitch? Where am I? , All that I did yesterday?

I've seen my friends go through each of the phases and that women drink ..


prodromal phase (0.25 gr. / -0.3 L gr. / L). In it, the individual perceives a change in mental status. Certain psychometric and aptitude tests have revealed alterations affecting sensory perception and decreased reflexes.

" I came accompanied by a. .... ". -" I do not usually drink. "-" I have to go home early. "-" Is that I have a test tomorrow .... y. "My mom told me to 11 and half an hour .. .." "Ta mare Caro'm seeing double" "No one touches me and I fell asleep haha"

excitement phase (0.3 gr. / 1.5 gr. / L). It is a loss of inhibition and loss of control, with progressive paralysis of the more complex mental processes. This is the first state that may involve changes in personality.

"ALL MEN ARE EQUAL PERROSSSSS .." "I love you like a sister t kiero as mierdaaaa. "-" Before you fell me wrong, but now I fall from the putamare. "I quierooo this asshole I love you" "my mom was young I hose down .."

We also have greetings and songs: - "WE ARE LOVERS .... ptm who secretly delivered a touch of life "" I have the pride of being Peruvian and I am happy .....". - "Who cares what I do .....". -" Mio that man is mine ......". - "I have the heart Amiga injured, the man I q I want to go ... and I can do .. laura me and my answers: Give me ... "

We have the regret and calls: I LOVE YOU ..! ptm me back I do not say because this drunk no no! I am healthy yet ...; "Seriously I'm sorry, but I gave him my little flower"

incoordination phase (1.5 gr. / l - 3 gr. / l) characterized by tremor, mental confusion, motor incoordination
what usually causes the person end up falling asleep. Monga

that's not the toilet, my shoes were new; cuidadoooo! .. moon, which is run out eyebrow jato .. haha, where I am? this is not my bed,

coma stage and death (+3 gr. / l). IF YOU TAKE NO HANDLING , BEST TO STOCK ... Stay!

And you happened?

No excess is good, alcoholism say NO!: D

Friday, April 17, 2009

Baby Choking On Vomit Or Mucus

Insomnia Manzanera and confessions

Insomnia has knocked on my door tonight, songs that should not be heard by romanticón cutting sound with all its subliminal .. (8) yells at me that we did not have time to walk on a beach, to invent an adventure, devoted to madness, craving draw you, figure out what's in your eyes .. look it took time ... (8 ) ..


evokes feelings like I do not remember .. But we all have memories .. or clinging to fragile memories, tonight I played my ... I remember feeling that I can not cry .. makes me mad .. I shattered .. my bad .. is that between you and me there is nothing personal ...!!! .

Even the girls have a song or singer that puts some feeling, that you secretly listen to lie on their beds with the lights out so no one mourn .. see secret behaviors of women are in each different Some write poems, others eat ice cream .. coffee makers .. maybe a beer, pour them they are just bubbles!
I confess

one of my secret behaviors .. I am of those who simply prefer to listen to what life gives you any good singer Daddy sanz obviamante .. , Gianmarco, calamaro, sabina, noseeee thousands ... tonight led me to Armando Manzanero, if you do not like pineapple! however, if they like it because now my destiny led me to him and his music.

My senses are to the surface .. I need to download and how much love we feel .. , Regardless of love, age, experience, very young love .. our parents, the girl next door superman in the front ..

With his songs will tell extracts of my stories .. Today only sounds in my ares Manzanero ..

not know about you, but I would repeat the tired feeling that I did with the night you gave me And the moment you built with kisses! Sleepless Yes, I get sick I miss you, really need not I know you! The love that I needed ...!! Remember the kisses of a past love, fatigue special evenings .. miss it ... at some time we told someone that I miss you, I there where the problem is you do not know if you need it also .. You DO NOT KNOW. Finished with a boyfriend but in the end was a fight that has left an open window, strange her nature, her eyes, her smile .. as seen by the girl who waits .. if the window is open and you wondered whether he, too, miss you .. you have two options back to you or you just closed the window and "if so? you ask ..! Well, never mind what is yours and you will not throw it away because the wind .. leave no ashes .. rather than to sing ...

learned that a week has more than 7 days to make further my few joys and make you happy I learned .. learned .. if I did it .. every relationship, every woman .. every man we love at some point with such insanity that lights our days Always brings new lessons, trust or mistrust, truths and deceptions .. learn to lie to see them, talk less and listen more, but every man or woman is different .. apply what you learned! and live it intensely ...

Although invent the details and you will find in each Calley I swear that there is nothing afloat personal.Sacas my tragedies and suddenly the remedias.Me you crazy, make me mess, I do it wrong! ! I swear there's nothing ... nothing personal contract, an illicit business that brought conviction to my heart, because no one takes this love .. at least not tomorrow ... no less today ... but despite that I Swear .. that between you and me ... NOTHING PERSONAL, many of us or we've had a special friend that is impregnated into the heart, may not need a relationship but sometimes need their prescencia ..

We did not have time for you convencieraque was you my whole life, you get dressed in white, hug my consent, that really know me, look it took a long, long time to live .. . For those who did not have the time, those relationships of years we thought that would be eternal ... and ended endless .. routine, lack of love, fight .. leverages your time, take advantage of it; it ...

Be happy, happy, happy is all I ask in our departure could not be, after seeing you loved so much for all those absurd things in life .. Indeed you are happy ... but not me .. I love you ..

PD: FEELING .. TOTAL .. SORRY ...:( hahaha votenmeeeee of the blogosphere!
'm crazy: S

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Software Alternativo Multiviewer Easycap

you wrong with me!!

Who do you think I am?

it not enough for all gossip that I'm the girl who fell in love with you, perhaps not enough calls and text messages to tell me how deluded or stupid I am, what I look ugly, or what it seem immature .. You are wrong with me , I've paid the price for this crime

Perhaps you forget that among us there , neither was, nor will ours , you're wrong if you think I go preaching things that do not live, I loved you no letters, no messages, no roses, no kitsch, I wanted to as you were, for your maturity, your confidence, I thought we were friends far beyond the feelings prize loyalty, if, I have two people in my confidence but I have never told details, not in our circle because many things are said, all have to leave me, do not believe that there is confusion, hearsay or gossip .. I am not the source ...!!! grábatelo ... I did not win anything, I've lost too, in all this chaos I lost your trust, I lost my peace, I know of that is sure to claim me ask you about things that I said, I'm not who you think it is true that no I have experience, it is true that I fell in love with you, but above all I am a true and fair .. I have not because weaving lies to be happy ... You know I thought you knew a little about me, if I am a girl scandal, but I'm loyal, to confront my choices and learned to keep quiet .. make no mistake .. If you think I am that girl mentirosilla He believes what you want ... because if you learned something .. is that ALL ABOUT ...

stirred with liver ... I

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Birthday Wishes Romanian

An angel or a devil ...!!!

Who has not passed, who believes meet the nicest people in the world, more mature children, the girl more rope, because I believe that at all. Are presented as the adonis or muses of a reality that we live ever, we find virtues that we never found, but hidden defects we wish we did not know. Knowing someone that goes beyond just watching what we are shown, sometimes we appear as we want them to see if looking for someone happy for what we are, we are also serious one, a bipolar character according to unless you want to impress, but WHY? Is it that you can not impress being yourself, is it perhaps your virtues and flaws can not get to achieve your goals. Look in the mirror and sees the person at the front this girl who grew , That child that I take responsibility, it cost you get to see that image, it cost you to have certain characteristics that make you unique, because it changed? because fake something that you are neither you will be, because sooner or later you I'll find out. Los Angeles does not exist in this paradise on earth, and that every woman knows .. girls is it perhaps little jealous man, caring, giving you details last forever? they do not! sooner or later stages are certain virtues will be gone, some defects appear, the details will fall and that will be? his true personality, it Know it, because your beautiful body, its details or even good deals at some point will decrease, and when you old or older only will you their thoughts, their dreams and goals accomplished. The angel who dreamed for years, only exists in nature, fall in love with his dreams, his strength of integrity that gives you, and never forget that everyone has a devil inside, learn to love their flaws, controlling what you want to support her change yourself show yourself as you are, do not pretend to be what you do not want to be, if you are happy not because of his jealousy apathetic you, if you're shy he will not complacent, if you have a demon inside you learn to master it. Children is that they do not see that beautiful young lady, this little angel who fell from the sky if ... that girl that the first months only understanding, love going out with your friends do not worry my life call me now? Or the classic love not bother me that you go to play ball, I understand from there I spend watching you? besitoo, or indeed the inevitable little boy if you are happy I am fun! Jaaaa that little angel is not lifelong, relationships comes a time when the degree of trust allows you to leave the show wanted to approach, the above phrases to pass: if your friends are always first and never worry me sick for me, or who love or nothing if after playing football you're going to make safety pin, every Saturday is the same, basic .. women have their stages, when you met are very nice never wore the You saw disheveled, but now .. you receives pajama .. no shower but you have left? end? explore whether noo! fijate his angel .. I fell in love with his sincerity, I fell in love with it the support, not to mention the girl who makes you feel strong, the woman who helps you and makes you want to follow. Is that as we all have angels and demons inside us, no one desired fruit, the shell always boot at some point, inside what you want most is what gives you the lasting pleasure, that you tried and fruit you will not forget its taste, but do not forget the fact that the tree falls does not mean that this mature, caring for your angels and demons dominal! and bring them out at the right time is the only option. Nobody's perfect I'm not an angel I can be anything from the sweetest to the most fierce .. I am not a demon, I can make mistakes or even damage .. but I have to find something good ... Angels and demons live in you .. Aprovechalo just enjoy them .. but above all dominal .. you never know what you have to fight war ...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Value Of Antique Wooden Ironing Board

And something about ... my ...!!!

01. What is your nickname? Claudy, say my name is common and it sounds more affectionate ...=)
02. Why did you put that nickname? Gage in the world so claudy is cuddling, nicknames haha \u200b\u200bmmm ... I say The Mummy ... Imagine it as well haha that I have mastitis with my friends.
03. Do you ask wishing on stars? I still do, always ask the same thing happens when I'm dead maybe ... I just hope that some day pass ..
04. Last time you cried? Order cycle, an error .. a lesson learned ..!
05. Pan "to what? Salsichaaaaaaaa! : D
06. Do you like animals? Puppies .. ohhhhh!
07. How many children do you have? No, my brother is like my son took him 14 years .. mmmm and when I have my 4 guerrilleritos will be happy ..: D
08. Do you collaborate with NGOs? Eventually, the mine workers union exploited , Also supports Peruanitos SOS, help schools with supplies, and of course with the party who belong to social support ...
09. If you were another person would be your friend? Yeahhhh! haha but would have to be very patient ...
10. Do you have a diary? NO! after 7 years I discovered that my father opened my heart padlock with a stick of matches, so you hear about my feelings towards mother
12. Would you bungee jump? Live hard ... if you can let us ...
13. What is your favorite cereal? No special
14. Do you undo, before removing his shoes? Never .. haha I agree!
15. Think you're strong? As strong as the voice of justice hailed as strong as ice in the sun, strong as the conscience of a guerrilla or a child's dream .. strong .. mm is how strong I am ...
16. Is your favorite ice cream? TRICOLOR ...
17. What size shoe? 38 (how rare) proportionality? ajaja
18. "Favorite music group? Sin Bandera, Fifth Season, Soda!, El Gran Combo, Niche, Not recommended ..
19. What do you dislike about yourself? My impulsiveness ...
20. Who will sorely miss? A Ti ... IF YOU ..
21. What was the last movie you saw? "Just Not That Into You"
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Barefoot in a skirt ...
23. How long did you love? Not yet .....
24. What are you listening to right now? Martina Portocarrero La Flor de la Retama ..
25. Will the last person you talked to on the phone? With my best amia ...
26. Your favorite drink? Piña Colada .. haha \u200b\u200btake all
27. "Favorite sport to watch on TV? FOOTBALL ... PASSION
28. "Favorite food? Green Noodles: D
29. The End Sad or happy ending? Consistent Final ...
30. Do you have pets? No
31. Favorite day of the year "? January 11 ..
32. "Kisses or Hugs? Both ..
33. Are you a happy person? Yeahhhh .. Total Loca ..
34. Have you traveled much? Not much ...
35. Sexual fantasy: In the bathroom ... with him and his ex out .. yeahhhh!
36. What is the last meal you prepared? Salchipapa!
37. "Favorite color? Black .. no doubt ..!
38. What you saw on TV last night? No vi tV ...!!
39. Something that makes you lose the paper:
40. Where is the furthest you've been in your house? On the Moon ..
41. Something that would make morbo: no idea ..
42. @ Are you open to sexual options like oral sex or anal sex? Sex .. pleasure is always the option ..
43. Favorite Dessert: Gelatin: Chocolate Cake, 3 milks cake ..
44. A place to disappear: Caminos del Inca .. with Mercedes Sosa mp3 ..!!!
45. What animal have you most afraid? Rats ..: S
46. Do not you like to die without trying, many things ... including a better world ...
47. Do you ever get caught making love? No.. and would jajaja
48. Your patience level from 0 to 10 is: 8
49. What book are you reading? Obligations ..: Yes!!
50. Have you ever took drugs? No..
Thanks Rick .. MET ..!!!