Friday, April 10, 2009

Value Of Antique Wooden Ironing Board

And something about ... my ...!!!

01. What is your nickname? Claudy, say my name is common and it sounds more affectionate ...=)
02. Why did you put that nickname? Gage in the world so claudy is cuddling, nicknames haha \u200b\u200bmmm ... I say The Mummy ... Imagine it as well haha that I have mastitis with my friends.
03. Do you ask wishing on stars? I still do, always ask the same thing happens when I'm dead maybe ... I just hope that some day pass ..
04. Last time you cried? Order cycle, an error .. a lesson learned ..!
05. Pan "to what? Salsichaaaaaaaa! : D
06. Do you like animals? Puppies .. ohhhhh!
07. How many children do you have? No, my brother is like my son took him 14 years .. mmmm and when I have my 4 guerrilleritos will be happy ..: D
08. Do you collaborate with NGOs? Eventually, the mine workers union exploited , Also supports Peruanitos SOS, help schools with supplies, and of course with the party who belong to social support ...
09. If you were another person would be your friend? Yeahhhh! haha but would have to be very patient ...
10. Do you have a diary? NO! after 7 years I discovered that my father opened my heart padlock with a stick of matches, so you hear about my feelings towards mother
12. Would you bungee jump? Live hard ... if you can let us ...
13. What is your favorite cereal? No special
14. Do you undo, before removing his shoes? Never .. haha I agree!
15. Think you're strong? As strong as the voice of justice hailed as strong as ice in the sun, strong as the conscience of a guerrilla or a child's dream .. strong .. mm is how strong I am ...
16. Is your favorite ice cream? TRICOLOR ...
17. What size shoe? 38 (how rare) proportionality? ajaja
18. "Favorite music group? Sin Bandera, Fifth Season, Soda!, El Gran Combo, Niche, Not recommended ..
19. What do you dislike about yourself? My impulsiveness ...
20. Who will sorely miss? A Ti ... IF YOU ..
21. What was the last movie you saw? "Just Not That Into You"
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Barefoot in a skirt ...
23. How long did you love? Not yet .....
24. What are you listening to right now? Martina Portocarrero La Flor de la Retama ..
25. Will the last person you talked to on the phone? With my best amia ...
26. Your favorite drink? PiƱa Colada .. haha \u200b\u200btake all
27. "Favorite sport to watch on TV? FOOTBALL ... PASSION
28. "Favorite food? Green Noodles: D
29. The End Sad or happy ending? Consistent Final ...
30. Do you have pets? No
31. Favorite day of the year "? January 11 ..
32. "Kisses or Hugs? Both ..
33. Are you a happy person? Yeahhhh .. Total Loca ..
34. Have you traveled much? Not much ...
35. Sexual fantasy: In the bathroom ... with him and his ex out .. yeahhhh!
36. What is the last meal you prepared? Salchipapa!
37. "Favorite color? Black .. no doubt ..!
38. What you saw on TV last night? No vi tV ...!!
39. Something that makes you lose the paper:
40. Where is the furthest you've been in your house? On the Moon ..
41. Something that would make morbo: no idea ..
42. @ Are you open to sexual options like oral sex or anal sex? Sex .. pleasure is always the option ..
43. Favorite Dessert: Gelatin: Chocolate Cake, 3 milks cake ..
44. A place to disappear: Caminos del Inca .. with Mercedes Sosa mp3 ..!!!
45. What animal have you most afraid? Rats ..: S
46. Do not you like to die without trying, many things ... including a better world ...
47. Do you ever get caught making love? No.. and would jajaja
48. Your patience level from 0 to 10 is: 8
49. What book are you reading? Obligations ..: Yes!!
50. Have you ever took drugs? No..
Thanks Rick .. MET ..!!!


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