Friday, April 17, 2009

Baby Choking On Vomit Or Mucus

Insomnia Manzanera and confessions

Insomnia has knocked on my door tonight, songs that should not be heard by romanticón cutting sound with all its subliminal .. (8) yells at me that we did not have time to walk on a beach, to invent an adventure, devoted to madness, craving draw you, figure out what's in your eyes .. look it took time ... (8 ) ..


evokes feelings like I do not remember .. But we all have memories .. or clinging to fragile memories, tonight I played my ... I remember feeling that I can not cry .. makes me mad .. I shattered .. my bad .. is that between you and me there is nothing personal ...!!! .

Even the girls have a song or singer that puts some feeling, that you secretly listen to lie on their beds with the lights out so no one mourn .. see secret behaviors of women are in each different Some write poems, others eat ice cream .. coffee makers .. maybe a beer, pour them they are just bubbles!
I confess

one of my secret behaviors .. I am of those who simply prefer to listen to what life gives you any good singer Daddy sanz obviamante .. , Gianmarco, calamaro, sabina, noseeee thousands ... tonight led me to Armando Manzanero, if you do not like pineapple! however, if they like it because now my destiny led me to him and his music.

My senses are to the surface .. I need to download and how much love we feel .. , Regardless of love, age, experience, very young love .. our parents, the girl next door superman in the front ..

With his songs will tell extracts of my stories .. Today only sounds in my ares Manzanero ..

not know about you, but I would repeat the tired feeling that I did with the night you gave me And the moment you built with kisses! Sleepless Yes, I get sick I miss you, really need not I know you! The love that I needed ...!! Remember the kisses of a past love, fatigue special evenings .. miss it ... at some time we told someone that I miss you, I there where the problem is you do not know if you need it also .. You DO NOT KNOW. Finished with a boyfriend but in the end was a fight that has left an open window, strange her nature, her eyes, her smile .. as seen by the girl who waits .. if the window is open and you wondered whether he, too, miss you .. you have two options back to you or you just closed the window and "if so? you ask ..! Well, never mind what is yours and you will not throw it away because the wind .. leave no ashes .. rather than to sing ...

learned that a week has more than 7 days to make further my few joys and make you happy I learned .. learned .. if I did it .. every relationship, every woman .. every man we love at some point with such insanity that lights our days Always brings new lessons, trust or mistrust, truths and deceptions .. learn to lie to see them, talk less and listen more, but every man or woman is different .. apply what you learned! and live it intensely ...

Although invent the details and you will find in each Calley I swear that there is nothing afloat personal.Sacas my tragedies and suddenly the remedias.Me you crazy, make me mess, I do it wrong! ! I swear there's nothing ... nothing personal contract, an illicit business that brought conviction to my heart, because no one takes this love .. at least not tomorrow ... no less today ... but despite that I Swear .. that between you and me ... NOTHING PERSONAL, many of us or we've had a special friend that is impregnated into the heart, may not need a relationship but sometimes need their prescencia ..

We did not have time for you convencieraque was you my whole life, you get dressed in white, hug my consent, that really know me, look it took a long, long time to live .. . For those who did not have the time, those relationships of years we thought that would be eternal ... and ended endless .. routine, lack of love, fight .. leverages your time, take advantage of it; it ...

Be happy, happy, happy is all I ask in our departure could not be, after seeing you loved so much for all those absurd things in life .. Indeed you are happy ... but not me .. I love you ..

PD: FEELING .. TOTAL .. SORRY ...:( hahaha votenmeeeee of the blogosphere!
'm crazy: S


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