Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bankers Life & Casualty Co Scam

Chronicle of a farewell .. Effects

- Love ...

- Do not tell me so ...

- And us ...

- Do not mention it, there is ours ..

- So what are you doing here? "Again I dreaming?

- I came to say goodbye ..

- So ask you something:

Go not hurt me, do not look at me .. I'm burning, I do not kiss they faint, no hugs me chained me, I squeeze on you to I still feel .., no ... no ... a thousand times no ... silence do not cry .. my pores

you doing here if I want, if I feel, if I am not enough, if you are not me forever ... go !!!!!!!!!!.. I need not explain .. ratings-winning let my mind the reasons, lets get my senses, when you were guiding me nor was there ..

They accept you so maybe .. I love you only just mine .. mine ..

I was yours only yours .. as beginning and end .. without, meanwhile, .. not yet .. without replacement or substitute .. What more do you want from me? If you stole my reason, my fingerprints and my passion, forgetting gave me pain, a lot of pain .. gave me a corner, a meeting, a wish .. a constant state of anxiety addicted to your advice , Your hugs, your words, no quirks, no lies .. nothing binds us today: I can only let you go .. because you never wanted to be ...

- do not understand, just came to say goodbye .. take care my girl, take care while back ..

- Return? There is no coming back .. free stay stay there ... no love without truth and you are lying ...

- Mentira poison you, which will sweeten , Encaramela you ..

- Do not ever get close ... ! Away from me! , do not do this, do not smile .. do not close your eyes .. do not touch my lips and not yours .. please I beg you not look at me ...

Your hands roam my arms slowly slowly ... your fingers seal my lips, your eyes mesmerize mine ... shit .. do not take me so .. suddenly with such overwhelming force .. do not abuse .. I submit again .. you're here .. squeezing against the wall .. kissing as the first, second, third .. the last time ... This makes me feel fro .. makes you grow .. that excite me, your secret is not playing, but do you want to touch me .. my lap .. not a belt, no padlock .. do not try to navigate the lake .. God is not there !!!.. not happened and will not ... But do not let me touch ...

I turned and now you are what you thought Crossroads had not taught me.? .. if a kiss right there .. if ... on your neck .. feel me? this is my hand, slowly calming down or waking up to the rack of our careers ... if you love your eyes for more. more ... ask me more .. but you know ....?

I give one last kiss ... this is not going ... Because now I'm the one you will ...

And this look did not wake, do not I, not I have you, or you'll

Your child.
MUSIC: Ojala (Silvio Rodriguez) I hope you finished the constant gaze, the precise word, a smile perfecta.Ojalá you delete something happens suddenly .. (8)


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