Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist Vs Bleach

Nestor De Luca was born in Argentina in 1966 and studied design at the University of Buenos Aires, graduating in 1988. For ten years he worked as art director at various agencies and design studios until 1998 when a brain tumor left him blind. From that moment began to develop his passion for painting which allowed him to exhibit their works and exhibitions around the country.

addition to this activity, Nestor is one of the editors of Lazarum.com ( http://www.lazarum.com ), a "search accessible to disabled people" developed to facilitate access to information related to disability issues.

is a search engine and online directory can find a website linked to this in seconds without the need for complex steps, no previous knowledge of navigation. Is presented in English and English.

is very easy to use and has been developed in a friendly and understandable, making it ideal for use by people who suffer some type of sensory or motor disabilities. A handy tool for companies, institutions or providers of services for people with disabilities may appear and be found easily.

Nestor I contacted inviting them to participate in this initiative and sent me the following information to share with you:

Disability 1: Get
valuable content on disability issues to be posted on blogs or websites disability, is the challenge that faced daily all those responsible for this kind of enterprises. This blog was especially created to facilitate and solve the problem of renewal data and useful information on disabilities. A lot of items free publication, available to simply select and copy. The blog

has been created to meet that need.

The blog has a varied amount of content on disability to be freely reproduced on other sites linked to the topic.
A series of articles for free distribution on Disability published by the editorial team
Lázarum.com blind
Disability 3: Pursue
a successful web site linked to the issue of disability is a challenge. After designing, writing and publishing web pages, most people find that every effort is useless without visitors walk in and read the information there dunk.
For this reason, Lázarum.com has developed a service for all those responsible for sites linked to the issue of disabilities, who have trouble getting more qualified visitors and they want greater visibility on the Web

This is a blog
specially created to help Web site managers disabilities, to increase the number of qualified visitors.
Articles, advice, tips and resources to get in a few steps, the largest number of visits by people with disabilities.
A basic and essential decision not to disappear into cyberspace and capture the attention of the largest possible number of visitors interested in disability issues. THANKS

Nestor, for your contribution to this blog.


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