And where are my brothers, who fought to stay alive ...
Puppeteer! Garcia! We have fallen police, indigenous brothers dead, a city in chaos, our rights trampled upon, more than 23 million Peruvians in total ignorance, commercials stating a number of protected acres What is truth?
And there is no truth more powerful than seeing our brothers slaughtered, tortured, suffering no more truth to see natives fight for our forests, there is no truth to see young apuñalante defending a murderer status ..
THE DL. 1090
1. The process of Legislative Decree No. 1090 has been conducted without the participation of regional authorities, professional associations, universities, organizations of civil society and citizens in general, and without reporting the magnitude of this modification it had been doing. This approach in dealing with issues of clear public interest undermines their development process, and also contradicts the commitment made in the Trade Promotion Agreement between Peru and United States (known as TLC) to increase public participation and improve transparency in decision making regarding the planning and management of forest resources. 2. The exclusion of forest lands suitable for production of the concept of forest resource and its inclusion within the scheme for land use for agricultural use (Legislative Decree No. 1064) will allow its use change and its allocation without the appropriate conditions and requirements safeguard their conservation (Law No. 28,852). Allow the change of use and allocation of land suitable for forestry production is a very serious threat on forests for their deforestation incentives to lose their quality of forest resources and is subject to the rules of the agricultural land. This leaves the land suitable for forestry production in a most helpless situation to which the scheme was established by Law No. 27308. 3. It has weakened the forestry institutions to define their level or not in Legislative Decree No. 1090 or the Legislative Decree No. 997 approving the Law on Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Agriculture. Nor, clearly establishing roles and responsibilities of the Ministry of Environment for the conservation of forest resources and national heritage forest. Moreover, decentralization is weakened by not recognizing forest powers and duties assigned to the regional governments in its organic law in matters of promotion, control and monitoring of forestry and wildlife. 4. The inclusion of "private" as a new form of direct access to the exploitation of forest resources without setting any parameters or conditions at the Legislative Decree, unlike other forms of access to timber resources, gives too discretion in regulation creating a high risk that this new modality seriously weaken the system of forest management and concession model. 5. Some conditions were permissive for logging and illegal timber trade to legitimize the acquisition of products and forest products derived from the commission of violations directly contradicting the requirement for accreditation of legal provenance under International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and TLC. The same occurs with no significant increase in adoption of criminal sanctions provided for in Article 310 of the Criminal Code of Peru, which was a stated commitment to NAFTA. In addition, the bill 2547-2007-PE does a typical treatment of the relevant behaviors generated by acts of extraction, processing and trade of forest products and byproducts such as the enablers and transformers. Nor is building a typical structure for the conduct of professional management tools that generate environmental forestry or false information to promote logging and illegal trade in forest products.
- The Committee on Constitution and rules of Congress, whose report says that that meant DL legislate on natural forest resources and wildlife through a legislative decree, which goes against the Article 66 of the Constitution which states that only through organic law regulating the use, distribution, and issuance to individuals of natural resources. - The Peoples Commission Andean, Amazon and Afro-Peruvian Peoples, Environment and Ecology of Congress - The Ombudsman's Office - The Office of U.S. Trade Representative (It is true that the FTA with the U.S. would be threatened if the repeal, as the alarmists say.) - The College of Engineers of Peru - La Molina National Agrarian University - National University of Ucayali, - The Regional Government of Junin - Bishops Amazon - The Collective Forest - Ecological Forum Peru - The Green Alert Collective Puerto Maldonado
not imagine living in peace with an inept government to solve our problems of poverty giving up our forest , perhaps not been sold .. but left the door open to return our lands for agricultural use land used by others .. Democracy means dialogue, acceptance and inclusion of agreements for the benefit of the masses without diminishing the right of minorities. NON-CITIZENS OF FOURTH CLASS .. ARE OUR BROTHERS. The solution to the social, cultural, economic-that the force of reason is historical, "go through inclusive and proactive participation of citizens. A permanent training of our people that our society will develop and be open to dialogue, tolerance and weight involved in international business and industrialization. Without education training and inclusive participation of our peoples for thousands of FTAs \u200b\u200bthat we sign on the blackjack and irrationality, Peru did not progress and is reduced to being a supplier country of natural resources and cheap labor for small-caliber work, and killing Sibling continue for ever.
This past Thursday we went to the streets to show our opinion, was clearly evident that our struggle is for life, different cultures .. EQUAL RIGHTS!! THE BLOOD SHED NEVER BE FORGOTTEN .. THE SLEEPING WAKE UP!
"freedom is only worth who knows how to conquer every day"
"in the classroom and street build a Peru to stay,"
From here my solidarity and my deepest condolences to the families of our fellow Amazon, our cops .., my total condemnation of acts of violence .. The policy comes in the ability to represent the people's voice .. were wrong and our struggle does not end here .. just beginning .. alzemos our voice of protest ..!!!
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