Sunday, June 7, 2009

How To Play Cube Field At School

Ara meat safe TGD Open Classroom Federico de Arce

thank Cristina
the opportunity to be in virtual space. I think his is an excellent idea and I support your project delighted.
Cristina told me to convey some aspects of my Blog significacativos, well the main reason that led me to its creation was the idea that the parents of my students could have a continuous reference work conducted with children, and moreover, provide access to other areas of professionals and parents, enabling them to verify the methods, techniques suitable for the education of children with autism. Also important to consider the emotional aspect, in that contact with people who have a similar situation to help them feel less alone and strange, as sometimes happens.
also encouraged me to create the sharing, to optimize the work I do to extend it to other kids, who can benefit from it, anywhere in the world. I had some time to benefit from the information and materials to other professionals and parents hung in their space, as Eugenia Romero, the Blog of Hearing and Language Teachers (which I call "my teacher" in these matters, and no kidding), the Commonwealth of parents Isis ... So many places full of desire, hope and solidarity that just seemed to correspond with the contribution of my work.
Cristina, I wish you the best of luck in this journey. I'm sure will be invaluable to many.


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