Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Anthropometrics For A Coffee Table

Blood Heart of Sophia, Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Heart of Sophia

"Somehow you try to accept ...- Javier said, staring at Sophia.
"I have no reason to accept you. You know that do not love you as my doctor. If I make the decision to Nana, but that does not mean we will be friends or I will take confidence. You do your work doctor, I will fulfill my role as the young patient said ...- coldly. Javier
marveled at the imagination of the young woman who spoke without looking into his eyes. What would have happened to her to act this way? Was there anything in his past that pushed him not to love him as a doctor? What hidden secrets to his mask of anger?

"Stop looking at me like the words of Sophia ...- output to Javier for his thoughts.
- How do you know that I look? - He asked, raising an eyebrow that I thought I looked ... Sophia
squinted, clearly angry.
"You're the most annoying person I know ...
Javier smiled, amused.
"And you get mad very easy, but I'm not complaining ...- said, shrugging his shoulders" Still, I think behind your cold frame is a nice and sweet person who wants to meet me and I would like also to know ... Sophia
bit her lip. Fury in his eyes shone, but did not give any answer because Danline appeared smiling with a bag full of chocolates.

-Wow ... I bought chocolates, nice ...- Javier said, laughing.
-No ... They replied to Sophia ...- Danline "But if you love, you take one ...
She handed the package to Javier and he took a chocolate watching Sophia.
- See? We have something in common ... I also love the chocolate ...- said, smiling. Sophia
diverting his eyes in silence and Javier went to the bedroom door as he pulled the wrapper of the candy.
-back in a while ... If something happens in my office look for me ...- warned, before closing the door behind her step.

Danline Sophia approached and sat smiling beside him in bed as she always did when his sister was hospitalized.
put the bag with chocolates on her lap and was silent. He knew
Sophia. She never stayed long and less if there were angry through chocolate. Whenever they fought, the few times they had fought better, Danline brought chocolates and her sister managed to smile. Actually
Sophia put aside their anger at the attitude of his sister, his attempt to make peace, not the chocolate. Although he loved the chocolate and not bad if Dan had been offered them after each fight.

Sophia sighed and giving him a smile to his sister took a chocolate and began to eat slowly.
"You have to make the effort to get along with him said ...- Danline" Please ... Your health is delicate and want you to live many more years ... Please ... Do it for me ...
Sophia stared at him. Had the typical look of "sad puppy" who used whenever he wanted to convince you of something. And who really knew his health was concerned.
"I do not like my doctor ...- I said slowly," But I want to be better and I want you and Nana are well and not worry about anything ... Ill try to be patient, but not be your friend ...

Danline jumped out of bed with a smile on his face, handed him the promise of his sister, for now ...
"Well ... I'll buy a drink ... ...- Back and said "Be joyful well ... Sophia
nodded, laughed and turned on the TV remote control.

Javier was analyzing the clinical history Sophia when he saw a Danline with two cans of soda in their hands.
-Hey ... Danline ...- called.
The girl turned her face and looked at him attentively.
- May I escort you to your sister's room? I want to ask something along the way ... Danline
grimaced, curious, and accepted while Javier was about to call the elevator. Once inside Danline
stood staring fixed and asked
- What do you know?
- Why does not like Sophia? - Asked Javier. Danline
smiled deep sigh.
"That's easy ... Not like you because you're a man ... And she does not trust men ... Javier narrowed
eyes, trying to understand.
-Sophia has lived many things ... And after all experienced, well, learned not to trust men Danline ...- explained.
"I will achieve that trust me ... "Good luck then
...- replied the girl.
Javier smiled and changed the topic of conversation by asking:
- And you do not have school ... No problem if you miss?
"I'm not so young ... Beginning next year the university ... I have 17 years ...
Javier smiled.
"But you did not answer my question answered.
"Well, although I'm so close to graduating, I hereby freely exams because I will not get away from Sophia ...
- Do you live with it? Never I saw you in your apt ...
-No ... Now I'm living with Nana, just because my sister wants to finish my studies as an ordinary teenager ... But how do you know where Sophia lives ?...- Danline watched with considerable curiosity Javier.
-Ah ... Simple, I am your neighbor. My fit is compared to your sister ... Danline
gasped in surprise and not knowing what to say. I was amazing ... Sophia So who would monitor and take care of even being alone in the apt ... May His fear was fading now thanks to Javier's comment.

elevator reached the floor is 6 and Danline Javier and began walking into the room of Sophia. Danline had discovered
Javier was very nice and liked ...
Javier was more than excited, saw clearly that Danline began to trust him and that was a good first step ...

Nana had finished all the paperwork. Danline had left her alone doing the paperwork because he wanted to buy chocolates and Sophia and Mariana thought it was a good idea ...

Now, Nana returned to the room where her friend and when he was rested and ready to open the door someone called.
- Mariana? - Andrew's voice betrayed surprise.
-Oh ... Andrew ... Am I looking for? - She asked, smiling.
"Not really. As I have understood in this room is the daughter of my client ...- replied the boy.
Nana looked at the door, as if anything in but Sophia was not any strange, checked the room number was 225 exactly ...
- your client's daughter? Who is your customer? - Asked slowly away from the room. Andrés
imitated him saying: "My client is
Mr. William Urlin. I am looking for his daughter, Sophia ...
Mariana's face was tinged with worry and discomfort.
- What if? And what does your customer?
"Excuse me but is not about you, but ...- Sophia Andres spoke hesitantly.
"It's a matter me, since I am Sophia's lawyer, legal representative and guardian and William is a complete idiot who for years has not seen his daughter or interested in it ...- gradually Nana had begun to lift the tone of voice, angry.
"Well ... My client wants his due, his share of the inheritance of his late wife, Patricia, and all that that means ...
- But if separated for over 15 years! They never did divorce for Sophia ... This is crazy ...- contained Nana screaming for her friend not to worry.
"Before the law, they were married and it is right to claim the inheritance ... And we mean everything, money, business, home ...
"No, no and no ... He is not for nothing that ... And however, should consider that there is a Minor by ...
"My client only has one child and the child was adopted outside the country, there are laws that do not consider it as a possible heir and we adhere to these laws ...
Nana could not believe what I was hearing. Danline want to leave on the street ... Andrew was a huge idiot!
- How dare you come here, being that Sophia is so delicate health and hope that things will be simple and will end in your favor? No, he did not receive inheritance, Danline will remain a beneficiary of the legacy of Patricia and You shall not approach any way ...- Sophia said, furious.
"We'll see ...- Andrew replied provocative.

-Mariana's right. You must be withdrawn immediately. No returns or have to deal with me ...- behind Andrés, Javier showed serious "My patient needs to be quiet. Retire before they call security ... Andrés
spun around and found a boy of 1.90 m tall and strong physique.
"You'll hear from me ... The letters document arrive soon ... We will go to court and I will not stop until I achieve my goal ...- said, as he left briskly. Nana looked

Danline, worried and hugged. He knew that both Javier and Dan had heard and now all his concerns were varied, but the main problem was how to explain everything to Sophia.
No doubt this will affect a lot.
How could William be so unbearable to play that way with the health of your child? Had already destroyed much of the emotional heart of Sophia, now seemed to pursue the physical heart as well ... Javier

sighed, looking at Nana and Sophia Danline and thinking about his young patient. Now I understood why she did not trust men ... It would be difficult to change his mind. Difficult but not impossible ... He would try ...


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