Thursday, March 3, 2011

Uti , Brown Discharge, Pregnant

Chapter 31: Blood


Jacob's body was pure adrenaline, each of his muscles trembled as if possessed by an internal earthquake, which was adding to under these two individuals approached us. He was a tall, blond, clean-shaven, hair short or long. A sculpted body, bundle, hid under their clothes worn. Incredibly attractive despite her pale skin, but with something that gave a touch of danger that many girls crazy again. She was shorter but equally beautiful. Her face framed by a tangle of fire-colored hair, long, wavy, and despite taking them each by hand, gave a sensual touch with the vast majority of guys could not avoid falling into their networks. Also pale, with a well-contoured body, with each curve in place. I could not help comparing them with Edward and the Cullen family, except for the terrifying scarlet color of her eyes. Because yes, in a moment, I concluded that they were as the Cullen vampires. But something inside me told me it was not exactly like them, as Edward. If he had presented to me with those eyes bloodshot, would come running to his side.
was arrested half the distance between us, studying us one by one. A little smile of sufficiency was drawn on the face of it, he looked more daring and impatient that he, who without looking away from Jacob, measuring his strength, he kept sniffing the air.

- Mmmm! Bocatta di cardinale. Do you feel loved? It makes my mouth water. - Talking to her, as if we ourselves had not people but animals unable to understand what they said. - Ask me, you have to settle with the other.
- First we get rid of the wolf. - I answered it without looking away, suspicious of Jacob. - Have you smelled? They smell even worse than I would have imagined. - His face was outlined with a grimace of disgust.
- Yes, a werewolf in Denver, who was going to tell us. A surprise, because he believed they were silly legends. Our eternal enemies, Ja! But that his blood - for the first time I looked at me in the soul clavándoseme those red eyes, not human, with hunger and desire. For the first time I felt really scared, crossing all over me a sudden chill - Know better.
- I want to carry the wolf, so you know who plays Laurent in the rooms next time. After giving me the same thing over another.
- I'll help you dear, and then give us a feast of kings.

It happened so fast. The vampires were in front of us talking quietly to breakfast, and suddenly their bodies became two blots that approached us at the speed of light. Just if I could follow, not them, if not his wake. But more strange was it to Jacob. A jump in mid-flight and in a split second his body exploded, leading to a huge dark-haired wolf, growling as if it was him life. I could not see anything, Mia took me in a sweeping embrace and push me to the floor with her on top. My sweatshirt was hooked to a wire loose from the metal fence surrounding the botanical garden, and the same wire also tore my skin, making a slight scratch, but enough to make me an insignificant wound started bleeding immediately. I put my hand to the wound, and I just remember that I hugged the trembling body of my friend, while my ears came wrenching howls, growls, plaintive cries, screams and strange metallic sounds of heavy bodies crashing and tearing metal splinters . And among all that battle I thought I heard the voice that yearned for the world, in a gruff tone above all others, leaving a powerful air NOOOO!

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


dead If my heart had been alive , would have stopped at once to hear the glad words of Bella announcing his companions who went to the botanical garden of Cheesman Park. Started the race, and I I got static in my makeshift watchtower helplessly.
could not follow, sooner or later the pooch would eventually be discovered, and that was the last thing I wanted. Well, the last thing he wanted was that Bella got in the way of the two vampires. While away I took the wind direction and changed the position to keep track of them. I had to think fast and act even faster. I had already decided to overtake and get ahead and warn them, but cost me a fight with them, and with it, when a second option its way into my thoughts. Look at the two vampires and prevention that would monitor any way could bring to them. I did not like the idea away from her and left to an inexperienced werewolf and unstable, but it was better if I did not want discovered here, spying. I took one last look at Bella, she ran blithely jokes and laughter, and diverted to the right, always hidden from Jacob, I hurried to the park.
I came in just a few minutes, and many others I found the trail he sought. This time was more recent and was heading north, had moved. I began to worry as I followed him, concentrated, leaving me by pure instinct to those two vampires who casually walked around Bella. The trail turned sharply in the direction of my least desirable, to the botanical garden. A fierce protective instinct of mine completely blinded me, and almost own my body, he quickened his pace as never before, and I jumped through the forest, desperately toward the two vampires, fear me the worst. Their minds were opened at once to my gift, and all the rage that had exploded within me all over my body, causing it to be even faster. No need to recreate in their conversations or images of Jacob protect a shaky two girls awkwardly scared to death. To know about your desires for the blood of my Bella was enough.
Everything went very fast, while for a normal human would barely last a few seconds during the fight. Bella and Mia were not really aware of the danger they had been. Not even the fierce wolf, which disappointed me with their thoughts prior to the attack of two vampires, knew the danger he jumped as his compulsive body was transformed into a huge and clumsy wolf. I was the only one who really knew the modus operandi of those two vampires, and the way they already had planned the attack. It was so simple and brutal. Between the two attacks the wolf, who would fall in a crossfire, and then distributed the booty, one each, Bella for him.
Began the attack at the same time I jumped on it, which had been left behind, announcing my participation in the battle with a spontaneous NOOOO! Out of my throat. Jacob had already planned to attack him, always following the instinct to attack the most dangerous in the first place. At the last moment I do not know how she could dodge and maneuver to bad it was I who fell into his arms, knocking me to the ground noisily. Jacob was luckier and managed to avoid the attack, preying on his head, but fails to start. They were all the cards on the table, once the vampires quickly overcame their surprise at my presence. Were a two against two forces balanced and well-defined teams. The redhead did not take long to attack me again I was still drawing on the floor. This time I dodged, and when he was already preparing my final attack on her, seeing that the pooch was in serious trouble, a disturbing odor we stopped briefly to the three vampires.
The irresistible smell of blood and its call to our kind. A smell that I recognized at once, stirring my being on the inside at a time. Gathered in my chest and pure unconditional love with my silenced monster called, once again, that forbidden elixir that my heart was pumping Bella through her frail body. Left to roam the monster once, and reclaiming what was theirs before turning fiercely against the redhead, push, and before his body touched the ground, he had done his head, several feet away. My eyes, dark with a thirst for the blood shed my blood, my precious food, now set its target at the vampire, barely contained by the wolf. Neither had realized that the redhead had fallen. So, starting to dominate my monster, because if I did not know would end up killing the wolf and took the blood of both human, I turned to the vampire. I saw him up too late, entertaining as it was by having the wolf at bay. With one motion I grabbed her head and separated from his body, he fell prostrate before the feet of the wolf.
With the head still in my hands our eyes met, exuding hatred and resentment in both. As he had taught her to a vampire, even though it would have saved his miserable existence. I by the flight path that had seconds before giving way to betrayal. The monster also cried blood. He knew perfectly well all that had passed through his head. His unconditional love for Mia was such that for a few moments before the attack, had been pondering the idea to take her in his arms and, leaving Bella as a decoy, out of there. No longer knew whether for lack of time or by the refusal would receive from Mia, could not carry it out. For me that was reason enough to stop right there with him. But he had more urgent things to do, like sticking my monster again, and see the state it was Bella.
head vampire threw it aside, away from the body, and left the pooch traitor to one side, still panting trying to catch his breath, to be close to Bella, when he moved his heavy body blocking my path. A low growl came out of his chest, his eyes filled with hate that they tell me I approached them, but mine showed determination and accusingly I confronted him.
- You're not best suited to defend it, when you leave here you thought a few moments to themselves before these two, - nodded, without losing sight, the beheaded bodies of two vampires - and run off with your girlfriend arms.
Hatred turned to surprise, and without waiting to react, I walked around and I gradually got closer to them. The pungent smell of blood, cool, calling me to take her right there, still floating in the air. But think how close he came to lose, I was able to put some thinking to my impulses, and dominate once again, I knelt before her. Mia wanted to make a gesture of rejection in my presence, but Jacob's voice behind me stopped. He had recovered his human form, still panting, while searching for some of his clothes to bring him to cover his body with their hands in the lower back, there where moments before the vampire had dealt a blow.
Mia Bella pulled off, and I found her beautiful eyes filled with tears, reflection of the fear that had been looking for me. He knew of my presence. I knelt before her, as he sat up and threw my arms. In passing, I saw a bloody gash in one of the sleeves of his sweatshirt. I feared the worst, that my inner monster mad with blood, cool, so close to me, and could not control it. But the effect did feel the urge to be in my arms, kept him out of play. Had he made to banish me me inhuman? That's what I believe as she clung tightly to my waist with his trembling arms, and leaned her face against my chest, wiping her tears on my shirt bereaved. It was so easy to go around with my arms and comfort her and hug and try to reassure her while sinking into its heady hair my face, looking once again its effluvium, which did me much good, that for a moment I forgot everything.
just felt in my arms body heat, so nice, my Bella. Her tears had already soaked the fabric of the shirt and wet my skin with impunity. Its aromas enveloped me, ecstatic. The fragrance of her soft skin of his revolt with strawberry shampoo. His breath with a touch of coffee and far beyond the very fragrance of her womanhood, and the unmistakable smell of blood. I closed my eyes, drunk by all those smells, feeling her skin stuck to mine, and instinctively pulled her away from me, looking for her lips. I do not know how she really reacted, because it was not me who drove my body, I only know that devoured his lips to mine, invading his mouth with my tongue, and looking a little more, my mouth dropped, sweet delight with the taste of your skin along his neck, looking for the pulse of the vein on the side of his throat. And just when I found, located and with the tip of my tongue, just as my lips went away slowly, giving way to my teeth, I opened my eyes shut.
released her abruptly and walked away from it. The monster is twisting in my gut, strangled in having been so close to the prize and at the last moment have failed. I was hit with a closed fist several times, taking out my frustration and silenced. He had been so close to losing it in my arms, and my fault!
- Edward, what happens? - She could not understand. No had been aware of the danger they had been exposed in my arms. He rose from the ground, looking for me.
- It's all cari - I lied, turning her back - is only ... smell of your blood.
- Oh! Well, I ... I'm sorry. - Do not know how I drew his blood.
- Never mind. Mia wants to take a look at this wound, let it do. - That he had seen in his thoughts. Bella approached with care and took her arm, she was much more aware of the danger. I was aware of everything, knew the true nature of Jacob and myself.
lifted my head and my eyes met with Jacob. Reflected in the hatred before they had become too bad. And she expressed her thoughts: "Poor guy, had to expose his own fangs to realize the danger that is for her," thought without removing his black eyes on me, maybe willing to stand up if trying to bite again. Just to show what he had thought about the college parking at night I read your letter. A more than ample proof that my side ran a serious risk of death. Jacob's thoughts were tacking with mine: "So we warned her a thousand times. Ideally, you go, you let her. " He endured look, full of remorse, his head nodding slightly.
- So I'm going to do. City of it, please.
I whispered so that only I could hear him. Jacob looked at me puzzled, but gave no option to ask me. I turned around, ready to do the hardest thing he would do in my life. Ready to say goodbye to her, and walk away, thus killing my dead heart. I changed the expression on my face in utter indifference, my eyes became hard, dark, and checking my voice, not wanting to get closer to her for fear of not being able to separate myself, I said goodbye.
- Bella - that would be the last time that my lips would deliver its beautiful name - we can not keep this up, is really crazy. I am a vampire and you are a mere mortal. - I could hear how his heart was cracking, like mine. - We now belong to different worlds. I do not want to follow you. It's the best. I must go. - The sooner you do, the sooner end of suicide and leave me with no options to give you hope, the better for both. - Bye.
option I did not give any reply, I turned in the opposite direction and ran as fast as my legs allow me. I did not want to hear her cry, announced by a silent tears fell and free down her cheeks. I did not want hear his words of prayer, her lips calling in the vastness of the park. Would not see his heart broken again for me.
This time it was me who ran away from there. Running away from myself, not wanting to be me who ended his life by loving her so much. Light


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