Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boots Alternatives Acne Relief

winners of "Your comment has award

Do you remember this contest?, Well, he has come to an end.
Here I bring you the winners, hope you like the goodies.
Thanks for commenting on each episode, each post, your comments are very important to me, is what pushes me forward, so that gives me wings to fly my crazy imagination.
If not for each and every one of your comments will not be that serious in this small corner, and that is that people who write need to know how people view us if you know how we're doing right or wrong, to know your impressions ... in short, to know your opinion.
And without further delay I leave with prizes and awards.

loves you ... Bonnie

Well, things were so ...

  1. Iris (141)
  2. target (93)
  3. Light (91)
  4. Ada Cullen (79)
  5. Anna (Princess blog) (48)
  6. krlitalabeba (41)
  7. Rochie Cullen (40)
  8. romina (40)
  9. Teles (38)
  10. Erzengel (34)

The winner is ... Iris with 141 comments, blog Wings to fly and this was his first comment
From story Now my life is you. ..

Iris said ...

Oh my poor Edward, I love it. I've caught, I will continue reading.

Second with 93 comments ... Diana's blog Lovers of Edward and Bella and her first comment was ...

diana said ...

huy huy q nononono not happened here can not be

Third, and with 91 comments is .. . Light of the Recycle Bin blog one of his first comments was ...

Hello! Nothing
primarily see these comentastes surprises me are real, and that will make us engage more with your stories, and I'm happy. Nothing is what it seems in your stories, it creates addiction, lol!
I read with care and enthusiasm.
Besos! -Light-

In fourth place with 79 comments ... Cullen's Blog Ada Over the Twilight one of his first comments was ...

Ada Cullen said ...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa capitulazoooo Bonnie that ... Poor poor Alice Jasper ... the white rose is the last day sueper ami loved this cute wow ..... that Fraase I love everything in this chapter ... and reiterio suffer poor as my beloved .. but nobody said life was an idyll .. Besos

And in fifth place with 48 comments ... Princess Anna's blog, this is one of its first comments ...

Anna (blog princess) said ...

Jolines Bonnie! I better go now and leave us so you malaaaaaa!
I want to know what happens does not pass anything to the girl? I hope the next pretty

Kisses and happy week.

PD anything I'm here okay?


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