Monday, March 21, 2011

Husband And Wife In Shower

Between a rock and a hard

Chapter 13: Between a rock and a hard

Both my body and my mind floated in a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt.
On the one hand, my heart was pushing me to do, to call, to meet him and do what I had to do without regard to his fiancée, to Luce, but then ... on the other hand my head urging me not to do so, to Calara love my crazy heart and put an end to all that.
I debated between one or the other for several minutes, sitting in the restaurant, Edward looking card and imagining what would happen then I remembered
our best, our first time, the weekend at the cottage. Unwittingly
caress your finger where once proud take my engagement ring, the ring that Edward gave me during this wonderful and romantic weekend.
"Miss ... miss, standing before me, a waiter was waiting to take my note.
"Excuse me. Is something wrong?
"No, no, I was just ...
- surely?
"Yes, sorry I ... I'm leaving now, I ... have, I think this will be enough.
Submit a $ 20 bill and no waiting change me up and left.
The waiter looked surprised I left, wondering why the stampede that I did not care, now the only thought that occupied my mind was, Edward.
tightly hold the card in my hands as it passed between tables full of people eating, laughing, chatting quietly while enjoying a nice lunch.
With trembling hands and fingers even more, remove the small mobile phone and started dialing the Edward as soon as I saw outside on the street.
The heart seemed about to jump out of my chest, beating too hard, too fast. My hands were sweating
and between that and the tremor I feared that my phone silent and hands. Click the red button to hang up and closed my eyes.
- "Calm down Bella, Edward, just that, Edward" - I said to myself,
But just the mention of his name out loud made me more nervous if it is put.
Breathe deeply several times and try to put the mind blank.
When I had calmed down a bit, I began to redial the phone number. Two Tone
later Edward's voice rang across the phone line.

-Bella-Edward ... I ... "Say nothing
my love, meet me at ... Edward
" Wait, before I tell you to follow something.
"No Bella, no, better face to face, do it right, do not make the same mistake of the past, I see you while you tell me what I have to say, no more letters no more phone calls, just you and I, face to face Bella, face to face. Edward
"Well, as you want.
There was a brief silence for just over 5 seconds.
- Where are you? - Edward was the first to resume the conversation.,
-At the door of the restaurant, where are you? "He looked down the street looking for him.
"Two blocks away, up the street to the north, wait in the corner, I will pick you up. Edward
"But I ...
-Bella will not take anything, please wait for me, then I meet you, I can not wait to come back to you in my arms.
There was a farewell, not even one so far, I wanted to answer, but he had already cut off communication.
I started walking in that direction by following the instructions, but my feet stopped dry.
In front, right in front of the restaurant door, leaning on a window saw Luce, looking for something in the bag, he seemed distracted, happy, I felt terribly guilty for what was about to do.
Edward was about to betray, to cheat with me, and I ...
"Do not think twice Bella, stop looking at it, just go talk to him, just that there's nothing wrong with that"
But if I had, I could not lie to my pampered, more than enough to know that as soon as he touched me, as the sheltering me in his arms I ... I could not turn back, I would go by your sweet kisses, deliver me body and soul to him, again and again rememoraría our best times between his arms, would everything I had so longed for so long, I would go. Resume
my departure at the floor, I could not lift her head, felt ashamed of what was about to do,
"There is nothing wrong with Bella, you love him and he to you, just let yourself go, if only for once, let yourself go and tell God tomorrow morning ..."
"But suffer, you know I also like "I answer myself.
"Yes, I know, but that you owe, you owe it to yourself, you must declare it, things were not completed correctly, do not you talk about things, you must at least this, to talk face to face, let go what has to happen, do not get over obstacles, and suffered greatly in the past, at least for a day let yourself be happy, even if only for a few hours Bella, I know happy, I must "
" And Mike? And Luce? "
" They do not need to know "
The road came to an end, I could hear perfectly the sound of traffic, the horns of cars, noise from passers by my side, talking, laughing, in Ultimately, I feel that life happened to me.
I stopped at the crossing agreement, three seconds later that my feet were arrested, a brand new black mercedes stood before me.
The passenger window came down and the soft, melodious voice of Edward went inside the car.
-Up Bella.
Without a word, opened the door and I got into his car.
"I do not Bella is no going back, quiet, you've made the right choice, you will never regret this time "- ruled a voice inside my head.
You do not know the time it was looking forward to this time Bella, do not know how.
I looked to see the man she had such a long time love.
was you who put an end to this relationship Edward answered.
"I know Bella, I know, but you ...
" If Edward is what you're going to say and very spite of myself, I know you were right, but you should have left at least explain, if I had done ... "I
it happened, Alice Bella told me everything, but I was terribly hurt, kill me see what I saw in your room see you with another man in your bed, hugging ... could love me, could me.
The traffic was heavy, cars moved through the carpet of asphalt at a speed of 10 km per hour.
Faced with a new crossing, Edward stopped the car and the light was closed.
without warning and caught off guard completely down, he took my face in his hands and kissed me.
was little by little, without haste, first, gently kissing her lips, outlining his soft tongue all around my mouth, then shyly and asking permission, did he kiss a little deeper, his tongue in my mouth gently introduced filling it, making me feel its essence, returning that feeling I thought I lost to such a long time, I did go home.
My mind flew, flew to a better time, at a time when we were just him and me.
But that fleeting moment passed, he was interrupted by the horn of a car, the passage of bright red light to see.
Edward emerald eyes glowing as mine surely would.
-Edward I do not know if this will be a good idea, you're about to marry Luce is Mike and I ... y. ..
The car was moving at a snail's pace through the streets of New York.
- Are you still with him?
- Did you know? "Asked surprised.
"If, every time I knew what" I say categorically hacías. without removing the traffic light.
"But ...
"From time to time called Alice, I wanted to land by Bella but I could never get you off my mind, sorry, it's wrong but I could not let go of you.
Try to assimilate the information, years without knowing it, wondering what had become of Edward, which would, if it would be nice if ... and Alice always knew everything.
"Do not ask for explanations, I urged him not to tell you anything.
"But ...
- Do you want?
His gaze was fixed on the traffic, I remained silent thinking about what would be the right answer, if I told the truth or not, if I confessed my true feelings for Mike.
When she turned her gaze did not respond to me and repeated the question.
"Bella do you want?
-Yo ... he always stood by me in hard moments, I always offered a shoulder to mourn y. .. after you left me a lot and helped me ...
"But Bella did not want to, you know as well as myself.
"I know.
- So?
- And you want Edward Luce? You want her?.
His gaze returned to dig into my eyes.
- So ...?
"Bella, it makes no sense ...
brake the car in front of Central Park, despite the ringing of the other drivers for his abrupt stop, remained calm.
"Tell me that I want Bella, tell me and here ended all, tell me when you kiss me do not think, denies that even my name sounds in your silence, denies that it is in my saying who you think I love you, and your life is a desert from I went, tell me Bella, deny me that.
-.- know I can not answer.


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