Friday, March 11, 2011

Fluconazole With Alcohol

Two broken hearts I'm so sorry

Chapter 12: Two broken hearts

BELLA POV was afraid of waking, that everything happened the previous night had been just a dream, I was afraid that was not by my side when I opened my eyes to a new day, I was afraid of the truth, the harsh reality.
For this reason I continued, "for being a complete coward", with eyes closed for a few seconds. Even
could smell the sweet scent of his cologne in my room, on the pillow, the sheets in my bed ...
Stretch your arm looking for him, I felt the heat that had come off his body and was feeling the heat along the entire surface of the bed.
I find odd jobs and even with eyes closed, crying inside knowing and realizing that at last, whether it was a dream, it was all a dream.
I opened my eyes with tears like torrents get out bidding for them, and then ... then I saw him sitting across from my bed, staring at me.
A big smile crossed her beautiful face when I woke up.
"I could not leave without saying goodbye to Bella, I swear I tried but ... - was quick to say seeing as he had raised, noting the desperation and sadness that drew in my face.
was fully dressed, pants, shirt, jacket, shoes, everything!, To the suitcase he had brought from Paris lay at his feet.
My heart started beating at an accelerated pace, he would, again, leave me, leave me alone, after the words so sweet that I said, after loving me tirelessly throughout the night, after promising himself Sky him ... he was leaving again.
"No, do not worry my love, again, I swear, I'll never leave you alone, I realized how much they mean to me Bella, I do not want a life without you I do not want a tomorrow if are you by my side, I love you Bella, I love you so much, I love you.
"Then ... why are you leaving? Why now? I was confused ...
, afraid to see me again without him, cowering before a new disappointment.
The tears that had bid for both out before, now overflowed from my eyes.
"My love do not cry, mourn not want to see anymore, it breaks my heart every time you do.
the words out of his mouth, Edward was approaching my bed.
Slowly, she sat beside me, took my face between his large hands and staring at me made a declaration of intent. Bella
-return, I promise, I swear, I will return, do not have to worry about.
I did everything possible to contain a few words, but finally relented and my lips every one of them were blasted, without really knowing what the consequences would bring me.
"No ... I do not know if I believe you Edward, you ...
" Honey, really beautiful, again, do not think to myself you've been a one night stand or whether you want images that came to your house just looking sex, the words I said were true, are true, I love you my love, I love you more than life itself, do not cry anymore Bella, please stop crying, again, I swear, "she said as she wiped her fingers tears down my cheeks without a break.
With a gentle kiss on the lips, a look of consolation, a promise of reunion and love you more and Edward came to my room, my house, leaving me totally devastated.
I could not imagine a world without him, after spending the night had passed, not after listening to him, not after seeing how I looked, not after those you want, not after ...
I loved, oh My God! The loved him, the whole life surrender if his depended on it.
For he was ready for anything, I would not hesitate even one second to do anything for him.
The click of the door from my house to close made me collapse into bed. Moose
my hands to cover my face, trying to silence her crying.
Little by little I was calmer while inhaling the sweet scent of his cologne still flowed from my pillow. So
embraced her, inhaling the aroma little remained of its aroma, and thousands of cayƩndome tears from his eyes went back to sleep.
few loud knocks on the door woke me up, someone called my house urgently.
Jump out of bed, put on my robe that was at the foot of the bed and ran to open the door, if he did not suddenly feared that I was banging on the door end of it down.
"Bella, Bella, opens, I know that you're home, open the door please
Bella ... "I'm coming, I'm Paul, what ...? What ...? Paul does not know why you have to ...
But all the words to say I thought they died in my mouth when I opened the door.
There was Paul, standing at my door, with 3 lots of boxes, 2 suitcases and a face completely contorted. "I've caught
Bella was in my bed with him ...
-Paul was quiet, I ..." did not know what to say.
see him there, a big man, six feet tall, strong, definitely a big man, seeing him totally despondent, destroyed, with the face twisted, broken heart ...
-Paul ... you see, happens ...
Drag belongings he brought indoors.
"I swear ... I was willing to try it again with Bella. ... I thought we could fix it, but she, she ... "Now Paul
, calm does not do you any good because it makes no sense ...
- Do you know what I said when I saw? Do you know how to react?
was afraid to answer, gave me something to tell you what he really thought, but despite all that, I thought I knew the answer. We look
shot a questioning look and wait for it to be the one who spoke first.
- "Do not expect as soon Paul" he said in his lizard face, as if I really was waiting for you Do you believe it?
Again, I remained silent, I knew he would do well to vent, let go of everything, I could really tell.
got up off the couch and walked quickly down the hall, going from one side to the gold rubbing his hands tightly.
-Bella did not apologize, or even said this "is not what it seems" Bella laughed, laughed in my face Bella, after all that ... and the guy I do not think I moved the bed or apologized as they usually do those types who sleep with women of others, no, all he did was plug it to her, were making love Bella, in my bed!, how has the shamelessness of ...?

-Paul ... And check me over and goes home, tells me that his lawyer and will contact me after what we talked on the phone when I was in Paris he contacted one and ... I do not I can believe, in my bed! With another!, Gave me a desire to take the type and drag it around the house ... ...

-Paul-Yes, be what you're going to say, that really is to blame is she, and you're right, but the type, you should have seen how I looked like hid that I did not see her nakedness, as if I had never seen her naked! By God! It's my wife! It ...
flopped on the couch, throwing his hands to the face, nervous, to me the only thing left was to move my hand down her back, hug, make you feel good, reassure, reassure, listen ... I had to be your friend, stand by your side. Paul
-Quiet ... quiet ... shhhh.


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