Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nuts On Clark Garrett

Thanks to my girls


my girls, I really did you get a very large smile with the best gift, you know that Ian is one of my weaknesses.
I love you very much.
Your words were beautiful, and I liked it so much I presume. Thanks
girls ...

Fe ∫ ϊz Cϋмρłєąñŏş Bonnie! ..

Today a great friend of the house's birthday and we want to read a happy birthday, best wishes for her is a new year of your life that is great, much success as you really are a special person to this blog and of course for us ♥

We celebrate this day of joy with you we were not enough words to tell you everything in one day .. but if we tell you ...

Happy Birthday Bonnie qe lot of fun with your loved ones ...

Att: Krlita and Carol ...


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